Song Cong 1 Industrial Park in Thai Nguyen Province

Song Cong 1 Industrial Park is an important industrial park in Thai Nguyen Province. It is located in the Northern Key Economic Region. With a favorable geographical location, modern infrastructure, and investment incentives, it has attracted many businesses.

Key Highlights

  • Song Cong I Industrial Park is located in the Northern Key Economic Region of Vietnam.
  • Favorable geographical location, close to important transport routes.
  • Modern infrastructure that meets the production needs of businesses.
  • Investment incentives attract many domestic and foreign enterprises.
  • Plays a significant role in local economic development.

Geographical Location of Song Cong I Industrial Park

Song Cong 1 Industrial Park is strategically located in Song Cong City, Thai Nguyen Province. It is part of the Northern Key Economic Region of Vietnam. This area is situated in Song Cong Commune, Song Cong City, Thai Nguyen Province.
The industrial park is close to significant transport routes such as National Highway 3, National Highway 279, and the North-South railway. This provides many advantages for the industrial park.

Due to its favorable location, Song Cong 1 Industrial Park allows businesses to easily transport goods. This also helps connect with major markets, enhancing business efficiency. The developed transport infrastructure attracts many new investors, promoting the growth of the industrial park.

Located in the Northern Key Economic Region

Song Cong I Industrial Park is strategically positioned in the Northern Key Economic Region of Vietnam. This area has great potential for socio-economic development. It attracts investment and concentrates many important industries.

Close to Important Transport Routes

Song Cong I Industrial Park is near important transport routes such as National Highway 3, National Highway 279, and the North-South railway. This enables businesses to easily transport goods, connecting them with major markets and improving business efficiency.

Bản Đồ Tỉnh Thái Nguyên


History of Formation and Development

Song Cong I Industrial Park was established in 1996 and is one of the first industrial parks in Thai Nguyen Province. Over the years, this industrial park has developed robustly. It has expanded and upgraded its infrastructure to meet business demands.

From the early years, Song Cong 1 Industrial Park attracted many investors. The favorable geographical location and land incentive policies made this industrial park appealing. Many production and investment projects have come here.

Currently, Song Cong I Industrial Park has significantly expanded. It has developed many new areas and has many enterprises operating in various fields. This industrial park serves as a driving force for the economic development of Thai Nguyen Province.

Song Cong I Industrial Park plays a key role in attracting investment and promoting industrial development in Thai Nguyen. Through its history of formation and development, Song Cong I Industrial Park has become a highlight in the industrial sector of Thai Nguyen Province. It has contributed to the socio-economic development of the local area.

Scale and Infrastructure of the Industrial Park

Song Cong 1 Industrial Park spans an area of 325 hectares. It is divided into industrial zones, service areas, and residential areas. This meets the needs of both businesses and workers.

Transportation System and Technical Infrastructure

Song Cong I Industrial Park has a transportation system, electricity, water, telecommunications, and utilities. This helps businesses operate efficiently. The road network connects the area, facilitating the quick transport of goods and workers.

Utility Description
Transportation Internal road network connecting areas within the industrial park
Electricity Power supply system meeting the production and business needs of enterprises
Water Supply Water supply and drainage system ensuring environmental hygiene and production requirements
Telecommunications Ensures telecommunications and media connectivity for enterprises

With good infrastructure, Song Cong I Industrial Park attracts many businesses. This helps them invest and expand their operations.

Industries and Businesses Operating in the Industrial Park

Song Cong 1 Industrial Park in Thai Nguyen Province has attracted many enterprises from various industries. Its strategic location, modern infrastructure, and incentive policies have made this area appealing. Many large corporations, both domestic and foreign, are interested in this area.

Businesses in Song Cong I Industrial Park operate in various sectors. Some main sectors include:

  • Manufacturing
  • Electronic component production
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Textiles
  • Consumer goods

Most major companies such as Samsung, Canon, Foxconn, and Nidec have invested in Song Cong I Industrial Park. They have contributed to the development of industries and businesses here. This has created many jobs and boosted the local economy.

Company Name Industry Activity
Samsung Electronic component manufacturing
Canon Camera and office equipment production
Foxconn Electronic component manufacturing
Nidec Electric motor manufacturing

The diversity of industries and businesses at Song Cong I Industrial Park has promoted socio-economic development. This creates many job opportunities and attracts investment.

Introduction to Song Cong I Industrial Park in Thai Nguyen Province

Song Cong 1 Industrial Park is a bright spot in Thai Nguyen Province. It attracts investment and develops industry. With a favorable geographical location, modern infrastructure, and attractive incentive policies, it has drawn many businesses.

Song Cong I Industrial Park continuously expands to meet the development needs of investors. The transportation is convenient to the capital Hanoi and Hai Phong seaport. The synchronous infrastructure meets production and business demands.

Song Cong I Industrial Park is not only an ideal investment location but also a driving force for the socio-economic development of Thai Nguyen Province.

Song Cong I Industrial Park has attracted many large businesses. They invest and develop production. This creates thousands of new jobs and promotes industrial growth.

The Role of the Industrial Park in Local Economic Development

Song Cong I Industrial Park is crucial for the socio-economic development of Thai Nguyen Province. It generates many jobs and stable incomes for workers. At the same time, this industrial park attracts many businesses to invest, helping the province develop its industry.

Creating Jobs and Income for Workers

Song Cong 1 Industrial Park provides job opportunities and income for the people of Thai Nguyen. Thousands of local workers have found employment here. This has improved their quality of life.

Attracting Investment and Industrial Development

Song Cong I Industrial Park attracts many domestic and foreign businesses. These investors bring capital and promote industrial development. This creates many high-value products.

Song Cong I Industrial Park is an important driving force for the economic development of Thai Nguyen Province. It enhances competitiveness and attracts investment.

Incentive Policies and Investment Support at the Industrial Park

Song Cong I Industrial Park in Thai Nguyen Province is attracting many investors. This is thanks to incentive policies and investment support from local authorities. Companies investing in Song Cong I Industrial Park will benefit from various incentives. These include incentives related to taxes, land, labor, and other support services.

Information from the Management Board of Song Cong I Industrial Park indicates that key incentives include:

  • Exemption or reduction of corporate income tax.
  • Incentives on land rental prices and infrastructure.
  • Support for training and recruiting labor.
  • Assistance with investment procedures, customs, and other services.

These policies help enhance competitiveness and attract investment to Song Cong I Industrial Park. This creates momentum for the industrial park to develop strongly in the future.

Type of Incentive Level of Incentive
Corporate Income Tax Exemption for 2-4 years, 50% reduction in the next 4-9 years
Land Rental Preferential land rental prices, exemption for the first 1-4 years
Labor Training Support for 50% of vocational training costs, maximum of 1 billion VND/project

With these incentive and investment support policies, Song Cong I Industrial Park has become an ideal destination. It attracts domestic and foreign enterprises, contributing to the industrial development of Thai Nguyen Province.

The incentive policies of Song Cong I Industrial Park are one of the important factors attracting investors here. This is a great opportunity for businesses to develop and expand production.

Future Development Orientation

Song Cong I Industrial Park will receive more investment in the future. The goal is to meet the needs of businesses. The industrial park will attract high-tech projects, electronic components, precision mechanics, and supporting industries.

Song Cong I Industrial Park aims to become an important industrial center. The goal is to promote the economy and create job opportunities for the local people. This will help the region develop even stronger.

Enterprises in Song Cong I Industrial Park will receive many incentives. Local authorities will provide support to attract new investors. This will help businesses operate more effectively.

Other industrial zones


Where is Song Cong I Industrial Park located?
Song Cong I Industrial Park is located in Song Cong City, Thai Nguyen Province. It is situated in the Northern Key Economic Region, close to important transport routes such as National Highway 3, National Highway 279, and the North-South railway.

How was Song Cong I Industrial Park formed and developed?
Song Cong I Industrial Park was established in 1996. It is one of the first industrial parks in Thai Nguyen Province. Over time, the industrial park has expanded and upgraded its infrastructure to meet the needs of both domestic and foreign businesses.

What is the scale and infrastructure of Song Cong I Industrial Park?
Song Cong I Industrial Park covers an area of approximately 195 hectares. This area includes industrial zones, service zones, and residential areas. The industrial park is equipped with a transportation system, electricity, water, telecommunications, and other utilities, facilitating business operations.

What industries and businesses operate in Song Cong I Industrial Park?

Song Cong I Industrial Park attracts many enterprises in fields such as manufacturing, electronic components, mechanical engineering, textiles, and consumer goods. Major names like Samsung, Canon, Foxconn, and Nidec have invested and developed production here.

What role does Song Cong I Industrial Park play in local economic development?
Song Cong I Industrial Park is crucial for the socio-economic development of Thai Nguyen Province. The industrial park creates jobs and income for workers, attracting businesses to invest and boosting provincial industry.

What are the incentive policies and investment support at Song Cong I Industrial Park?
The Thai Nguyen provincial government has issued several incentive policies regarding taxes, land, labor, and support services for businesses investing in Song Cong I Industrial Park. Investing companies will receive incentives that enhance competitiveness and attract investment.

What is the development orientation for Song Cong I Industrial Park in the future?
Song Cong I Industrial Park will continue to be invested in and expanded. The goal is to attract high-tech projects, electronic components, precision mechanics, and supporting industries. The industrial park aims to become an important industrial center in Thai Nguyen Province and the Northern region.