Trieu Phu Industrial Park in Quang Tri Province

Trieu Phu Industrial Park is a bright spot in the economic development of Quang Tri. It is strategically located, attracting many investors. This industrial park features key industries, modern infrastructure, and attractive incentive policies. This article will introduce Trieu Phu Industrial Park. You will learn about its location, history, industries, investment opportunities, and development plans. It is hoped that readers will gain a better understanding of this industrial park and its role in the economy of Quang Tri.

Key Highlights

  • Strategic location of Trieu Phu Industrial Park
  • Abundant labor force and attractive investment incentive policies
  • Key industries with significant development potential
  • Future development plans aimed at enhancing economic roles
  • Trieu Phu Industrial Park – a bright spot in the development of Quang Tri

Prime Location of Trieu Phu Industrial Park

Trieu Phu Industrial Park is strategically located in the communes of Triệu Thạch, Triệu Sơn, and Triệu Lăng, within the Triệu Phong district of Quang Tri Province, Vietnam, near important transportation routes. This provides many advantages for businesses looking to invest.

Proximity to Key Transportation Routes

Trieu Phu I.P is close to National Highway 1A, an important transportation route. It is also just a few kilometers from the railway, facilitating easy goods transportation for businesses.

Abundant and Quality Labor Force

The surrounding area has a large, skilled young labor force. This creates a competitive advantage for businesses. The geographical location of Trieu Phu I.P, combined with a quality labor force, represents significant competitive advantages for attracting investors.

Bản Đồ tỉnh Quảng Tri


History of Formation and Development

Trieu Phu Industrial Park was established based on a decision by the Quang Tri Provincial People’s Committee. Initially, the goal was to attract investment and promote local industrial development. Over time, Trieu Phu I.P has expanded and improved its infrastructure, attracting many businesses to invest. This has contributed to the socio-economic development of the area. The industrial park has a significant history of establishment and development, creating opportunities for businesses to grow.

Introduction to Trieu Phu I.P in Quang Tri Province

Trieu Phu I.P is an important industrial zone in Quang Tri Province. It covers an area of nearly 528.97 hectares and develops key industries that produce high value-added products and services.
Its favorable geographical location and synchronized infrastructure make Trieu Phu I.P attractive. It not only contributes to the economic development of Quang Tri Province but also creates many job opportunities for the local population.

Information Details
Area 528.97 hectares
Key Industries Industries producing high value-added products and services
Geographical Location Convenient location, connecting with key transportation routes
Contributions Contributes to the economic development of Quang Tri Province, creating many job opportunities

Trieu Phu I.P is an ideal destination for investors. It has many advantages that facilitate business development in Quang Tri.

Potential and Strengths of the Trieu Phu Industrial Park

Trieu Phu I.P in Quang Tri Province has many strengths. It attracts both domestic and foreign investors. Modern and synchronized infrastructure is a standout feature.
The industrial park is strategically located and is equipped with modern systems for roads, electricity, water, and wastewater treatment. The local government has also implemented many incentive policies to attract investors, including:

  • Exemptions or reductions in corporate income tax during the investment and operational phases
  • Support regarding land, construction, and site clearance
  • Training programs to develop human resources

The strengths in infrastructure and incentive policies make Trieu Phu I.P attractive. Many businesses have established themselves and developed sustainably here.

Key Industries

Trieu Phu Industrial Park in Quang Tri Province is experiencing strong development. It has become an important manufacturing center. Key industries here include:

  1. Automotive manufacturing and electronic components
  2. Textile and garment production
  3. Mechanical engineering
  4. Agricultural processing

These industries not only increase GDP but also create jobs and income for workers. Trieu Phu I.P is an ideal destination for businesses looking to expand production.

Industry Number of Enterprises Number of Workers GDP Contribution
Automotive manufacturing and electronic components 15 5,200 30%
Textile and garment production 20 8,000 25%
Mechanical engineering 12 3,800 15%
Agricultural processing 18 4,500 20%

Trieu Phu I.P is developing strongly, attracting many domestic and foreign investors. This area is becoming a dynamic manufacturing hub, contributing to Vietnam’s industrial map with the growth of the automotive, electronics, and textile industries.

Favorable Investment Environment

Trieu Phu Industrial Park in Quang Tri Province offers a very favorable investment environment. Attractive incentive policies and strong support from the local government provide businesses with many benefits. This creates favorable conditions for robust growth.

Effective Investment Support

Businesses in Trieu Phu I.P enjoy many incentives. They receive:

  • Tax exemptions or reductions in the initial years of operation
  • Preferential land prices for constructing factories and business facilities
  • Other supportive services such as consulting, business registration, and legal procedures…

As a result, the investment environment in Trieu Phu I.P is very attractive, helping to attract many potential investment projects.

Future Development Plans

Trieu Phu Industrial Park has significant development goals for the future. It aims to enhance its position and increase competitiveness. Development plans are being led by the local government, implemented in a synchronized and focused manner.
The industrial park will concentrate on expanding its scale and upgrading its infrastructure to meet the needs of investors. It will also refine attractive incentive policies to draw in even more new projects.
Additionally, the industrial park aims to enhance competitiveness and development prospects. It will adopt modern technology, improve the investment environment, and connect with global supply chains.

Development Goals Implementation Solutions
Expand scale and upgrade infrastructure Invest in additional factory areas, warehouses, and modern infrastructure
Attract more new investors Improve incentive policies, enhance legal and administrative support
Enhance competitiveness Apply modern technology, improve the investment environment, link supply chains

With these development plans, Trieu Phu I.P hopes to create a bright future. It aspires to become an attractive destination for both domestic and foreign investors.

The Role of the Trieu Phu Industrial Park in the Local Economy

Trieu Phu I.P is an essential part of the economic development of Quang Tri Province. Businesses here create jobs and income for the local population, significantly contributing to the local budget. This promotes the socio-economic development of the province.
Trieu Phu I.P has made notable contributions, including:

  • Creating jobs for thousands of local workers and attracting high-quality labor from nearby areas.
  • Making significant contributions to the budget of Quang Tri Province through production, business activities, and taxes.
  • Promoting the development of key industries, enhancing competitiveness and economic growth.

Due to its strategic location, modern infrastructure, and incentive policies, Trieu Phu I.P is a vital driver of sustainable development in Quang Tri Province in the future.


Trieu Phu Industrial Park in Quang Tri Province is becoming increasingly important in industrial development. Its favorable geographical location, modern infrastructure, and incentive policies have attracted many investors, leading to its continued growth.
In the future, the development prospects of Trieu Phu I.P are very bright. It will promote sustainable economic growth in Quang Tri Province. Summaries and observations indicate that this industrial park has significant development potential.
Trieu Phu I.P has played and will continue to play an important role in the industrial and socio-economic development of Quang Tri Province. With its outstanding advantages, this industrial park will continue to attract many investors in the future.

Other industrial zones


Where is Trieu Phu Industrial Park located?
Trieu Phu Industrial Park is situated in the communes of Triệu Thạch, Triệu Sơn, and Triệu Lăng, within the Triệu Phong district of Quang Tri Province, Vietnam. This location is close to key transportation routes like National Highway 1A and the railway.

What advantages does Trieu Phu I.P offer?
Trieu Phu I.P has many advantages, including modern infrastructure, an abundant labor force, and attractive investment incentive policies.

What industries does Trieu Phu I.P focus on developing?
Trieu Phu I.P develops key industries, such as automotive production, electronic components, textiles, mechanical engineering, and agricultural processing.

What investment incentives does Trieu Phu Industrial Park offer?
Trieu Phu Industrial Park has a system of incentive policies, including tax exemptions, preferential land prices, and support services.

What are the development plans for Trieu Phu I.P?
Trieu Phu I.P has strong development plans, including projects for expansion, infrastructure upgrades, and attracting new investors.

What role does Trieu Phu I.P play in the local economy?
Trieu Phu I.P plays a crucial role in Quang Tri’s economy by creating jobs, generating income, and contributing to the local budget.