Tam Hiep Industrial Park in Quang Nam Province

Tam Hiep Industrial Park is located in Tam Hiep commune, Nui Thanh district, Quang Nam province, and is a key point in Central Vietnam. Its strategic location and modern infrastructure make Tam Hiep Industrial Park an attractive choice for many domestic and international investors. This is where the industry of Quang Nam is developing vigorously, with investment projects in manufacturing, high technology, and high-tech agriculture also flocking here.

Key Highlights

  • Strategic location with convenient connections to neighboring provinces
  • Synchronized, modern infrastructure meeting investment needs
  • Attraction of large projects in clean industry, high technology, and high-tech agriculture
  • Development potential thanks to abundant labor resources and attractive investment incentive policies
  • Significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the locality

Geographic Location of Tam Hiep Industrial Park

Tam Hiep Industrial Park is situated in the center of Quang Nam province. Its strategic position is adjacent to important transportation routes, providing significant advantages in transportation connectivity and regional linkages for investors and businesses.

Proximity to Major Transportation Routes

Tam Hiep I.P is close to National Highway 1A, an important route running from North to South. The area is also near the North-South railway and Chu Lai International Airport. This facilitates the transportation of goods and the movement of labor.

Convenient Connections to Neighboring Provinces

The strategic location of Tam Hiep I.P allows easy connectivity with neighboring provinces. Provinces such as Da Nang, Quang Ngai, and Binh Dinh are all nearby, creating many opportunities for cooperation and market expansion for businesses.

Bản Đồ Tỉnh Quảng Nam



Overall Planning of Tam Hiep Industrial Park

Tam Hiep Industrial Park covers an area of over 710 hectares. It is divided into various zones to attract investment. The goal is to create a modern and efficient industrial ecosystem based on geographical location and transportation infrastructure.

The industrial park includes the following zones:

  • Clean Industrial Zone: Housing high-tech industries, renewable energy, and clean food processing.
  • High-Tech Zone: Attracting projects in electronics, precision mechanics, and information technology.
  • High-Tech Agricultural Zone: Developing organic agricultural products and applying new technologies.

This planning helps Tam Hiep I.P become a center for clean industry, high technology, and high-tech agriculture, promoting the socio-economic development of Quang Nam.

Priority Investment Sectors at the Industrial Park

Tam Hiep I.P in Quang Nam province is attracting investment in important sectors such as clean industry, high technology, and high-tech agriculture. These sectors not only create job opportunities but also contribute to sustainable regional development.

Clean Industry and High Technology

Tam Hiep I.P is striving to attract clean industrial and high-tech projects. These industries not only promote economic growth but also aim for sustainable development. They utilize environmentally friendly technologies and achieve high labor productivity.

High-Tech Agriculture

Tam Hiep I.P also focuses on high-tech agriculture. These projects enhance productivity and quality of agricultural products, helping to develop local agriculture to meet the increasing market demand.

With its location, infrastructure, and incentive policies, Tam Hiep I.P is appealing to investors, drawing investment in clean industry, high technology, and high-tech agriculture.

Overview of Tam Hiep Industrial Park in Quang Nam Province

Tam Hiep Industrial Park is an important industrial area in Quang Nam province, with modern infrastructure and a favorable investment environment. This park is approximately 30 km from the center of Da Nang city, attracting many investors.

The industrial park concentrates on clean industries, high technology, and high-tech agriculture. These fields have significant potential, providing economic benefits while protecting the environment.

Utility Description
Geographic Location About 30 km from the center of Da Nang, well-connected to neighboring provinces
Modern Infrastructure Comprehensive road systems, synchronized technical infrastructure
Incentive Policies Tax, land, and labor incentives aimed at attracting investment
Green Environment Commitment to environmental protection and promoting sustainable development

Tam Hiep I.P is a highlight in the industrial development of Quang Nam. Investors and businesses appreciate the potential and opportunities available here.

Tam Hiep I.P is one of the most attractive destinations in Quang Nam province, with modern infrastructure, appealing incentive policies, and a green, clean, and beautiful environment.

Development Potential of Tam Hiep Industrial Park

Tam Hiep Industrial Park in Quang Nam province is attracting many investors. Its strategic location and favorable transportation infrastructure make it appealing. It serves as a dynamic center for manufacturing and business.

The abundant labor force from neighboring provinces is a crucial factor. This area has a tradition of agriculture and industry, providing a skilled and experienced workforce. This is a significant advantage in attracting businesses.

Therefore, the development potential of Tam Hiep I.P is very high. Many large projects have been and are being implemented, driving local economic growth.

Advantage Details
Favorable transportation infrastructure Connections to major routes, near large ports and airports
Abundant labor resources Skilled and experienced labor from neighboring provinces

Tam Hiep I.P is attracting many investors, contributing to the socio-economic development of the region.

Investment Incentives at the Industrial Park

The Quang Nam provincial government has introduced many investment incentive policies for Tam Hiep I.P. These policies help reduce taxes, support land acquisition, and provide other incentives. The goal is to attract quality investment projects, promoting the industrial park’s development.

At Tam Hiep I.P, several incentives are available:

  • Exemptions and reductions in corporate income tax during the initial investment years
  • Support for land leasing and leasing back, exemption from land use fees during the investment phase
  • Infrastructure incentives for electricity, water, transportation, and telecommunications
  • Administrative support and other services related to investment activities

Due to attractive investment incentives, Tam Hiep I.P is drawing many investors, contributing to the socio-economic development of Quang Nam.

Incentive Duration Target
Corporate income tax exemption 4 years New investment projects
50% reduction in corporate income tax 9 years New investment projects
Exemption from land use fees Investment phase New investment projects

Development Progress and Achievements

Tam Hiep Industrial Park in Quang Nam province has developed significantly to become a center for clean industry and high technology. This industrial park has demonstrated its potential and vital role in the local economy.

Major Projects Implemented

Over the years, Tam Hiep I.P has attracted many large projects that have promoted development and achievements in the area. Notable projects include:

  • An electronic components manufacturing plant from a leading global technology corporation
  • A modern agricultural processing plant that utilizes raw materials from neighboring agricultural regions
  • Renewable energy projects such as wind and solar energy, contributing to sustainable development goals

These large projects not only create jobs and income for residents but also enhance the competitiveness and status of Tam Hiep I.P in the Vietnamese market.

Project Sector Scale Progress
Electronic components manufacturing plant Electronics 1,500 employees Operating
Agricultural processing plant Food processing 800 employees Under construction
Wind energy project Renewable energy 120 MW Operating

Tam Hiep I.P has achieved many accomplishments, confirming its position and potential. This area has become a highlight in Quang Nam’s industrialization and modernization strategy.

Role of the Industrial Park in Local Economic Development

Tam Hiep Industrial Park in Quang Nam province plays a vital role in local economic development. It helps enhance local economic conditions, creating job opportunities, increasing income, and improving residents’ living standards.

This industrial park also contributes to increasing the provincial budget for Quang Nam. These funds are used for investing in infrastructure, improving living conditions, and promoting economic development.

Tam Hiep I.P is crucial in attracting investment, creating jobs, and boosting the economic growth of Quang Nam province.

Practical Benefits of the Industrial Park to the Local Community

  • Creates many new job opportunities for local residents
  • Increases income and improves living standards for workers
  • Enhances local budget revenues
  • Promotes economic restructuring and the development of new industries
Indicator Year 2020 Year 2021 Year 2022
Number of investment enterprises 150 180 210
Number of employees in enterprises 12,000 15,000 18,000
Total revenue (billion VND) 8,500 10,200 12,800

Tam Hiep I.P has been an important driving force in promoting the socio-economic development of Quang Nam province in recent years. It plays a vital role in boosting local economic development, creating jobs, increasing income, and enhancing budget revenues for Quang Nam.


Tam Hiep Industrial Park in Quang Nam province is experiencing robust growth. Its favorable geographical location and modern infrastructure have attracted numerous investment projects, making this area an appealing destination for investors.

Projects within the industrial park have significantly contributed to the socio-economic development of Quang Nam, creating jobs and improving residents’ quality of life. Tam Hiep I.P is expected to continue to develop, contributing to the province’s sustainable growth.

In the future, the industrial park will attract many new projects, focusing on clean industry, high technology, and high-tech agriculture. The efforts of local authorities and investor confidence will help this industrial park become a major industrial center in Central Vietnam.

Other industrial zones


Where is Tam Hiep Industrial Park located?

Tam Hiep Industrial Park is located in Tam Hiep commune, Nui Thanh district, Quang Nam province. It is an important industrial area in Central Vietnam.

What is the geographical location of Tam Hiep I.P?

Tam Hiep I.P is situated in the center of Quang Nam province, adjacent to National Highway 1A, the North-South railway, and Chu Lai International Airport. This facilitates connectivity with neighboring provinces.

What is the overall planning of Tam Hiep I.P?

Tam Hiep I.P covers over 710 hectares and includes clean industrial, high-tech, and high-tech agricultural zones. The aim is to attract investment and create a modern industrial ecosystem.

What sectors are prioritized for investment at Tam Hiep Industrial Park?

Tam Hiep Industrial Park prioritizes clean industries, high technology, and high-tech agriculture, which have significant potential and promote sustainable development.

What development potential does Tam Hiep Industrial Park have?

Tam Hiep Industrial Park has development potential due to its abundant labor force and modern transportation infrastructure, attracting major investors and promoting growth.

What are the investment incentive policies at Tam Hiep I.P?

The Quang Nam government has implemented various incentive policies for Tam Hiep I.P, including tax exemptions, land support, and other incentives to attract high-quality investment projects.

What achievements has Tam Hiep I.P accomplished?

Tam Hiep I.P has shown impressive growth with many accomplishments, including large projects in electronic components, agricultural processing, and renewable energy, affirming its status in the market.

What role does Tam Hiep I.P play in local economic development?

Tam Hiep Industrial Park plays a vital role in developing Quang Nam’s economy by creating new jobs, increasing income, and enhancing the living standards of local residents. Additionally, it boosts budget revenues and facilitates economic restructuring.