Dong Mai Industrial Cluster in Quang Ninh Province

Dong Mai Industrial Cluster is an important area in Quang Ninh Province. It was created to promote socio-economic development. With a good location, modern infrastructure, and attractive policies, the Dong Mai Industrial Cluster attracts many investors.

Key Highlights

  • The strategic geographical location of the Dong Mai Industrial Cluster in Quang Ninh Province
  • Modern infrastructure, covering an area of 167.86 hectares, and attractive investment incentive policies
  • The industrial cluster in Quang Ninh is becoming an appealing destination for investors
  • The competitive advantages of the Dong Mai Industrial Cluster include its location and synchronized infrastructure
  • Plays a vital role in the socio-economic development of Quang Ninh Province

Geographical Location of the Dong Mai Industrial Cluster

The Dong Mai Industrial Cluster is located in the Northern Key Economic Region, in Dong Mai Ward, Quang Yen Town, Quang Ninh Province. This creates numerous advantages in transportation, allowing businesses investing here to easily transport goods. They can also access major nearby ports like Hai Phong Port and Quang Ninh Port.

The Dong Mai I.C is near the Vân Đồn International Airport, which serves as a crucial gateway connecting to domestic and international destinations. This facilitates the convenient transport of goods and access to global markets.

Utility Distance
Hai Phong Port 40 km
Quang Ninh Port 30 km
Vân Đồn International Airport 60 km

With its strategic position in the Northern Key Economic Region, the Dong Mai I.C is an attractive destination, particularly for investors in processing, manufacturing, and logistics industries.

Bản Đồ Tỉnh Quảng Ninh


History of the Formation and Development of the Industrial Cluster

The Dong Mai Industrial Cluster has experienced significant growth. It was established based on the potential of Quang Ninh Province, aiming to promote industrialization and modernization while attracting industrial investment.

The process of establishing and developing the Dong Mai I.C can be divided into key phases as follows:

  • Initial Phase (1990s): Construction and completion of infrastructure for the industrial cluster, laying the foundation for future development.
  • Second Phase (2000 to present): Strong development of the Dong Mai I.C, increasingly attracting investment projects, expanding its area, and upgrading its infrastructure.
  • Current Phase: The Dong Mai I.C continues to grow, becoming one of the attractive destinations for both domestic and foreign investors.

The development of the Dong Mai I.C not only promotes industrialization and modernization in Quang Ninh Province but also creates many job opportunities and drives local economic growth. It has become one of the bright spots in the industrial development landscape of Quang Ninh.

With its achievements, the Dong Mai I.C is continuing to assert its significant role in the industrialization and modernization process of Quang Ninh Province.

Industrial Zones within the Dong Mai Cluster

The Dong Mai I.C in Quang Ninh Province consists of two main zones: Dinh Vu Industrial Zone and Hai Yen Industrial Zone. These zones feature modern infrastructure that facilitates production, business, and export-import activities.

Dinh Vu Industrial Zone

Dinh Vu Industrial Zone is a focal point within the Dong Mai I.C. It is close to major ports and an international airport, attracting numerous projects. Both domestic and foreign companies choose this location to expand their production and business activities.

Hai Yen Industrial Zone

Hai Yen Industrial Zone, part of the Dong Mai I.C, has a favorable location. It has attracted many projects in the processing, manufacturing, and logistics sectors, contributing to the development of investment projects in Dong Mai.

Industrial Zone Location Main Industries
Dinh Vu Industrial Zone Near major ports and an international airport Processing, manufacturing, and logistics
Hai Yen Industrial Zone Synchronized transportation system Processing, manufacturing, and logistics

The industrial zones within the Dong Mai Cluster are becoming attractive destinations for both domestic and foreign investors, thanks to their strategic locations and modern infrastructure.

Modern Infrastructure of the Industrial Cluster

The Dong Mai Industrial Cluster is built with a modern infrastructure system. It maximally meets the needs of businesses. Enterprises here can enjoy a variety of amenities, from synchronized transportation infrastructure to effective business support services.

The transportation system at the Dong Mai I.C includes roads, railways, sea ports, and an international airport. This creates a convenient multimodal connection for goods transportation. Technical infrastructure such as electricity, water, and telecommunications is continuously invested in and operated, ensuring adequate energy and communication for factories and enterprises.

The Dong Mai I.C also provides residential areas and amenities such as shops, schools, hospitals, and restaurants. This creates a comfortable living and working environment for workers. Wastewater and waste treatment systems, as well as environmental protection solutions, are implemented to ensure sustainable operation of the Dong Mai I.C.

Utility Description
Transportation Infrastructure Roads, railways, sea ports, airports
Technical Infrastructure Electricity, water, telecommunications
Amenities Residential areas, shops, schools, hospitals, restaurants
Environmental Protection Wastewater and waste treatment systems

With modern infrastructure and a full range of amenities, the Dong Mai I.C creates a favorable environment for businesses, contributing to the economic development of Quang Ninh Province.

Competitive Advantages of the Dong Mai Industrial Cluster

The Dong Mai Industrial Cluster has many competitive advantages that help attract investment and promote economic development.

Favorable Geographical Location

Dong Mai is situated near major ports and an international airport. This location offers advantages in logistics and market connectivity.

Synchronized Transportation System

Dong Mai boasts a diverse transportation system that includes roads, railways, sea routes, and air transport. This enhances connectivity and efficiency in goods transportation.

Competitive Advantage Benefits
Geographical Location Located in a key economic region, near major ports and airports
Transportation System Multimodal, including roads, railways, sea routes, and air transport

Dong Mai benefits from its geographical location and synchronized transportation system. This creates an attractive investment environment, drawing many businesses to invest and develop.

Overview of the Dong Mai Industrial Cluster in Quang Ninh Province

The Dong Mai Industrial Cluster is an important industrial area in Quang Ninh Province. It has been developed to attract industrial projects. The goal is to promote economic growth and structural transformation of the province.

The Dong Mai I.C has a prime location, close to major ports and an international airport, making it an appealing destination for investors. This industrial zone features modern infrastructure and incentive policies that provide competitive advantages.

The main industries within the Dong Mai I.C include processing, manufacturing, logistics, and support services. These sectors are focused on development to enhance industrialization and competitiveness.

The Dong Mai I.C plays a vital role in the economic development of Quang Ninh. It offers investment opportunities for many investors, contributing to the sustainable development of the province.

In summary, the Dong Mai I.C is a bright spot in Quang Ninh’s industrial investment landscape. With advantages in location, infrastructure, and policies, it attracts many domestic and foreign investors.

Key Industries in the Dong Mai Industrial Cluster

The Dong Mai I.C in Quang Ninh Province is a vibrant industrial center with several key industries that are crucial for the economy. The processing and manufacturing industries, along with logistics and support services, are focal points.

Processing and Manufacturing Industry

Dong Mai attracts many significant projects in the processing and manufacturing industries. There are several factories producing automobiles, electronic components, and consumer goods. These industries are vital and help the regional economy grow.

Logistics and Support Services Industry

Dong Mai’s advantageous location near major ports and an international airport positions it as a hub for logistics and support services. Companies in this sector thrive, meeting the needs of producers and import-export businesses.

Industry Key Features Contributions
Processing and Manufacturing Attracts many large projects, producing automobiles, electronic components, and consumer goods A leading industry contributing significantly to economic growth
Logistics and Support Services Strong development due to favorable proximity to ports and airports Meets transportation, warehousing, packaging, and logistics service needs for producers and import-export businesses

Dong Mai is developing key industries, affirming its status as an important industrial center.

Investment Environment and Incentive Policies in the Industrial Cluster

The Dong Mai Industrial Cluster is an attractive destination for investors, providing a favorable investment environment with numerous competitive advantages.

Businesses investing in the Dong Mai I.C will enjoy various incentive policies, including:

  • Exemption/reduction of import taxes on machinery, equipment, and raw materials.
  • Support for land use and infrastructure with attractive incentive packages.
  • Access to preferential credit sources from investment funds and banks.
  • Support services such as legal consulting, customs, logistics, and human resources.

These incentives attract numerous businesses to the Dong Mai I.C, making it an appealing region for large investment projects.

The Dong Mai I.C is where companies can find comprehensive support, from tax incentives to modern infrastructure, allowing them to focus on developing production and business.

The Dong Mai I.C offers good geographical location, infrastructure, and attractive incentive policies, making it an appealing destination for investors. This area contributes to socio-economic development.

The Role of the Dong Mai Industrial Cluster in the Economic Development of Quang Ninh Province

The Dong Mai Industrial Cluster is an integral part of the socio-economic development of Quang Ninh. Investment projects here have created many new jobs, increasing the local budget and the province’s GDP.

The industrial cluster also attracts important industries such as processing, manufacturing, and logistics, providing momentum for economic restructuring, industrialization, and modernization in Quang Ninh.

The advantageous geographical position, synchronized infrastructure, and attractive incentive policies have made the Dong Mai I.C appealing to investors. This enhances competitiveness and sustainable development in Quang Ninh Province.

Other industrial zones


Where is the Dong Mai Industrial Cluster located?

The Dong Mai Industrial Cluster is located in Dong Mai Ward, Quang Yen Town, Quang Ninh Province, near major ports such as Hai Phong and Quang Ninh, as well as the Vân Đồn International Airport.

What is the history of the formation and development of the Dong Mai I.C?

The Dong Mai I.C was established to develop Quang Ninh Province, aiming to promote industrialization and attract investment. After many years, it has become an important industrial center.

What industrial zones are included in the Dong Mai Cluster?

The Dong Mai I.C consists of two main zones: Dinh Vu and Hai Yen.

How is the infrastructure of the Dong Mai I.C?

The Dong Mai Industrial Cluster has modern infrastructure, including transportation, electricity, water, telecommunications, housing, services, and environmental treatment.

What are the outstanding competitive advantages of the Dong Mai Industrial Cluster?

The Dong Mai Industrial Cluster has a strategic location near major ports and airports, with a diverse transportation system that enhances logistics and market connectivity.

What are the key industries in the Dong Mai I.C?

The main industries include processing, manufacturing, and logistics, which are key sectors attracting numerous investment projects.

What investment incentive policies are available in the Dong Mai I.C?

The Dong Mai I.C offers many incentive policies, including tax exemptions/reductions, infrastructure support, and preferential financing.

What role does the Dong Mai I.C play in the economic development of Quang Ninh Province?

The Dong Mai I.C promotes the socio-economic development of Quang Ninh, creating jobs, increasing the budget, and GDP, while attracting key industries and facilitating economic restructuring.