De Tham Industrial Park In Cao Bang Province


De Tham Industrial Park is located at 011 Hoang Dinh Giong Street, Hop Giang Ward, Cao Bang City, Cao Bang Province.

De Tham Industrial Park is one of the potential industrial zones of Cao Bang province that is attracting domestic and foreign investors. At the same time, creating jobs and improving the living standards of local workers. The system of trees is arranged alternately between other functional areas to create green space to protect the environment.

Advantages of the traffic of enterprises operating in De Tham Industrial Park

The industrial park has a strategic location for business and industrial development, flat terrain, convenient for goods transportation and circulation because it is adjacent to big cities with wide ports and national highways, specifically as follows:


  • 277km from Hanoi City center


  • 346km from Nam Dinh Port
  • 303km from Hai Phong Port


  • 60km from Noi Bai International Airport

Investor: De Tham Industrial Park Infrastructure Development Company

Area of De Tham Industrial Park: The industrial park was built on a large scale with a total area of 92.9ha.

Economic planning:

  • Agroforestry product processing industry
  • Other industries such as: manufacturing high-grade building materials, packaging, assembling and manufacturing auto and motorcycle parts.
  • Precision mechanical manufacturing industry; electronics industry, information technology; consumer goods industry (textiles, footwear, ceramics).

Preferential policies at De Tham Industrial Park:

Corporate income tax incentives

Article 14. Preferential tax rates and duration of application of preferential corporate income tax rates are as follows:

New business establishments established from investment projects in Cao Bang province are entitled to the corporate income tax rate of 10% for a period of 15 (fifteen) years from the date of commencement of business operations. At the end of the period of application of the preferential tax rate specified in this Article, new business establishments established from investment projects must pay corporate income tax at the tax rate of 28%.

Article 15. New business establishments established from investment projects, business establishments relocating their locations are entitled to CIT exemption or reduction as follows:

  1. Tax exemption for 02 (two) years and 50% reduction of payable tax for the next 02 (two) years for business establishments that move their location out of urban areas according to the planning approved by the competent authority approve.
  2. To be exempt from tax for 04 (four) years from the date of having taxable income and reduce 50% of the payable tax amount for the next 09 (nine) years, for new business establishments established from investment projects, and business activities in Cao Bang province.
  3. The application of the preferential tax rate specified in Article 14 of this mechanism and policy and the tax exemption and reduction specified in this Article shall be applied only to newly established business establishments with independent economic accounting. prepare and register to pay corporate income tax according to the declaration.

Article 16. Operating business establishments that invest in building new production lines, expanding their scale, renewing technologies, improving the ecological environment, and improving production capacity are entitled to tax exemption or reduction for the additional income generated by this investment as follows:

  1. Exemption for 02 (two) years and reduction of 50% of tax payable for the next 03 (three) years when that project is implemented in Cao Bang province.
  2. Exemption of 04 (years) and reduction of 50% of payable tax amount for the next 07 (years) for investment projects in industries and fields on the list of sectors eligible for investment incentives specified in Section B of this Decree. Appendix I promulgated together with Decree No. 108/2006/ND-CP, investment projects in industries and fields on the list of fields of special investment incentives specified in Section A of Appendix I promulgated attached to Decree No. 108/2006/ND-CP and implemented in Cao Bang province.

Article 17. Business establishments are exempt from corporate income tax for income earned in the following cases:

  1. Income from the performance of contracts for scientific research and technological development, scientific and technological information services.
  2. Income from sales of products during the trial production period in accordance with the production process, but not exceeding 06 months from the date of starting trial production of products.
  3. Income from the performance of technical service contracts directly serving agriculture.
  4. Incomes from vocational training activities are reserved for ethnic minorities, disabled people, children in extremely difficult circumstances, and subjects of social evils.
  5. Income from production, business and service activities of a business establishment exclusively for disabled employees.

Import duty-free offer

Article 18. Export and import tax incentives

  1. Imported and exported goods specified in Article 16, Chapter IV of Decree No. 149/2005/ND-CP of December 6, 2005 detailing the implementation of the Law on Import and Export Tax are exempted. export tax and import tax.
  2. Imported and exported goods are under the supervision of the Customs, if damaged or lost, are assessed and certified by competent agencies or organizations, they will be considered for tax exemption or reduction respectively. with the actual loss rate of the goods. The customs authority shall base on the quantity of lost goods and the actual loss rate of the inspected and certified goods to consider tax reduction.
  3. Goods eligible for import and export tax refund are specified in Article 19 of Decree No. 149/2005/ND-CP of December 6, 2005 detailing the implementation of the Law on Import and Export Taxes password

Main products of De Tham Industrial Park:

  • Factory for rent is available
  • Industrial parkland for rent
  • Leasing land and building factories on request

Other utilities of De Tham Industrial Park:

  • Security system
  • Internal infrastructure system
  • Water supply and drainage system
  • Garbage and wastewater treatment system
  • Clean water supply system
  • Fire protection system
  • Automatic wastewater monitoring system

In addition, businesses operating in De Tham Industrial Park, Cao Bang Province will be able to use preferential services of the Vinasc Group system. Specific services such as:

  • Accounting service
  • Auditing service
  • Tax consulting service
  • Appraisal service
  • Established business services
  • Legal and license consulting services
  • Consulting and building internal control process services
  • Work permit, temporary residence services for foreigners

Industrial zones and clusters in the same area in Cao Bang province:

  • De Tham Industrial Park
  • Chu Trinh Industrial Park
  • Mien Dong 1 Industrial Cluster