Dak To Industrial Park in Kon Tum Province

Dak To Industrial Park is located in Kon Tum Province, in the Central Highlands. This is an important industrial park, designed modernly. The area has great potential for attracting investment and industrial development. The industrial park has a favorable geographical location. It features synchronous infrastructure and offers incentives for land and taxes. This helps attract both domestic and international investors.

Core Points

  • Dak To Industrial Park is located in Poko Commune, Dak To District, Kon Tum Province, in the Central Highlands of Vietnam.
  • It is one of the key industrial parks in the province, covering an area of 150 hectares, with modern planning.
  • It has a favorable geographical location and synchronous infrastructure.
  • It offers land and tax incentives to attract domestic and international investment.
  • It has great potential for attracting investment and industrial development.

Geographical Location of Dak To Industrial Park

Dak To Industrial Park is located in Poko Commune, Dak To District, Kon Tum Province, a region rich in potential. This place has many advantages in terms of geography, resources, and human resources. The industrial park is built in a strategic position, allowing it to benefit from the developed transportation infrastructure. This enhances connectivity and promotes socio-economic development.

Dak To Industrial Park is located in the Central Highlands

Dak To I.P is situated in Kon Tum Province, in the Central Highlands. This is a fertile area rich in agricultural and forestry resources. This location provides many advantages for investors and businesses wishing to develop the processing industry.

Convenient Transportation Advantages

The location of Dak To I.P is very favorable for transportation. This industrial park is situated on National Highway 24, which directly connects to major economic centers like Gia Lai and Pleiku. Additionally, the area also has the North-South railway and Pleiku airport, facilitating easy transportation of goods and connection to localities and international markets.

Transportation Utility Details
National Highway 24 Directly connects to major economic centers
North-South Railway Facilitates transportation of goods
Pleiku Airport Connects to international markets

Vị trí địa lý tỉnh Kon Tum

Vị trí địa lý tỉnh Kon Tum

Development Potential of Dak To Industrial Park

Dak To Industrial Park in Kon Tum Province is viewed as an attractive destination for investors. The geographical location and rich resources create conditions for development. Dak To I.P has much development potential.
Its location in the Central Highlands provides advantages for the industrial park. Abundant resources, from agricultural products to minerals, support industrial development. The rich and high-quality labor force is also an advantage.
The government of Kon Tum Province implements investment incentive policies. Tax incentives, land support, and workforce training attract investment. This promotes the development potential of Dak To I.P.
Dak To I.P is expected to become one of the attractive destinations for both domestic and international investors in the near future.
With its location, resources, and incentive policies, Dak To I.P is an appealing point for investors, promoting the socio-economic development of the region.

Modern Planning and Infrastructure

Dak To Industrial Park in Kon Tum Province is scientifically planned. This creates a modern investment and production environment. It effectively meets the needs of investors.

Synchronous and Scientific Planning

This industrial park is designed according to the principles of modern urban planning. This ensures connectivity and harmony between areas. The planning of Dak To I.P is carried out systematically and scientifically.

Advanced Technical Infrastructure

The modern infrastructure at Dak To Industrial Park includes the following elements:

  • Convenient transportation systems, with internal roads, national roads, and modern gateways.
  • Stable electricity, water supply, and wastewater treatment systems meeting high standards.
  • A telecommunications network and high-speed internet ensuring continuous connectivity.
  • Auxiliary facilities such as postal services, banks, hotels, and canteens, well-serving the needs of investors.

With modern infrastructure and scientific planning, Dak To I.P creates an ideal investment and production environment. This contributes to attracting high-value-added investment projects.

Priority Fields for Investment Attraction

Dak To I.P, located in Kon Tum Province, is attracting many investors. They are interested in agricultural processing and high technology. The strategic location of this industrial park in the Central Highlands makes it appealing.

Agricultural Processing Industry

Dak To I.P particularly focuses on agricultural processing. The abundant raw materials from the Central Highlands help investors develop quality products. This meets the demand of both domestic and export markets.

High Technology and Clean Industry

Dak To I.P also attracts investment in high technology and clean industries. These sectors not only bring economic efficiency but also protect the environment. They contribute to sustainable development.

Priority Field Advantages
Agricultural Processing Industry – Abundant raw materials from the Central Highlands
– Opportunities to develop high-quality products
High Technology and Clean Industry – Great development potential
– Contributes to environmental protection and sustainable development

With these priority fields, Dak To I.P becomes an attractive investment environment. Many domestic and international investors are interested in this area.

Introduction to Dak To Industrial Park in Kon Tum Province

Dak To Industrial Park is located in the beautiful Central Highlands. It is attracting many domestic and international investors. With its large scale and development potential, this industrial park asserts its position in the economy of Kon Tum Province.
Dak To I.P has a strategic location and favorable transportation. It is built with modern infrastructure, which meets the production and business needs of enterprises.
The investment incentive policies of Dak To I.P also attract investors. Tax, land, and workforce training incentives create a favorable environment for businesses.
Dak To I.P is increasingly attracting investors. It promises to be a bright spot in the economic development of Kon Tum Province.

Investment Incentives and Support

Dak To Industrial Park in Kon Tum Province is attracting many investors. This is thanks to the investment incentives and support policies from local authorities. Investors will benefit from these incentives, helping the industrial park develop sustainably while also creating job opportunities for local people.

Tax and Fee Incentives

Dak To I.P has very attractive tax and fee incentive policies. Enterprises investing in this park are exempt from or receive reductions in corporate income tax, import tax, licensing fees, and many other taxes. This helps reduce operational costs, facilitating business development.

Support for Land and Labor Training

The government of Kon Tum Province also provides support for land and human resources. Enterprises are supported in using and leasing land in the industrial park at reasonable prices. The management board of the industrial park also assists enterprises in recruiting and training labor to ensure a high-quality workforce.
With attractive investment incentives and support, Dak To I.P is drawing in many investors. Investors interested in incentives, support policies, and Dak To I.P will find this an ideal destination.

Favorable Investment Environment

Dak To Industrial Park in Kon Tum Province has a favorable investment environment. With modern and synchronous infrastructure, along with incentive policies, this industrial park attracts many enterprises. It is an ideal destination for investors.
Local authorities actively support the investment environment here. Investors enjoy incentives regarding taxes, fees, land, and labor training. This helps them develop robustly.
• Tax and fee incentives
• Support for land and labor training

Dak To I.P also has a modern technical infrastructure system. This meets the needs of businesses, allowing them to feel secure when investing and developing.
Dak To I.P is becoming an attractive investment spot in the Central Highlands. This is due to its favorable investment environment and support from local authorities.
With its advantages in the investment environment and incentive policies, Dak To I.P attracts many investors. They wish to expand their business operations in the Central Highlands.

Potential for Cooperation and Integration

Dak To Industrial Park has a favorable position for cooperation with other industrial parks. Sharing experiences and investment cooperation will create new opportunities. This promotes the overall development of the industrial parks.

Cooperation with Domestic Industrial Parks

Dak To I.P will seek cooperation opportunities with other industrial parks. They will share experiences and resources for development. This not only benefits Dak To but also promotes the overall growth of Vietnam’s industry.

Integration with Regional and International Markets

The favorable geographical location and modern infrastructure help Dak To I.P expand its integration. This allows businesses here to access many new investment and technology sources. This enhances competitiveness and promotes sustainable development.

Khu Công Nghiệp - VINASC GROUP

Khu Công Nghiệp – VINASC GROUP

Other industrial zones:


Where is Dak To Industrial Park located?
Dak To I.P is located in Poko Commune, Dak To District, Kon Tum Province.

What geographical advantages does Dak To I.P have?
Dak To I.P is close to important transportation routes, such as National Highway 24, the North-South railway, and Pleiku airport. This facilitates easy connections to major economic centers domestically and internationally.

What development potentials does Dak To I.P have?
Dak To I.P has a favorable geographical location, abundant natural resources, and a rich labor force. Moreover, it offers attractive investment incentives, facilitating development.

How is Dak To Industrial Park planned and constructed?

Dak To I.P is scientifically and synchronously planned. It has modern infrastructure systems such as transportation, electricity, water supply, and telecommunications. This creates a favorable investment and production environment.

What sectors does Dak To I.P prioritize for investment attraction?
Dak To I.P prioritizes attracting investments in agricultural processing industries as well as high technology and clean industries.

What investment incentives and support does the government of Kon Tum Province and the management board of Dak To I.P offer?
The government of Kon Tum Province and the management board of Dak To I.P implement many incentive policies. This includes tax incentives, fee reductions, land support, and provision of trained labor.

What is the investment environment like at Dak To I.P?
Dak To I.P provides a favorable investment environment. It features modern infrastructure, attractive incentive policies, and support from local authorities.

What potential for cooperation and integration does Dak To I.P have?
Dak To I.P has many cooperation potentials with domestic industrial parks and deep integration with regional and international markets. This helps to leverage advantages, expand markets, and attract investors.