Dai An Expanded Industrial Park in Hai Duong Province

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park in Hai Duong Province is located in the center of the Northern key economic region. This is an important industrial park in the province. With its strategic location and expansion scale, this industrial park attracts many investors. This article will introduce Dai An Expanded Industrial Park, covering its location, scale, history, and advantages, helping you understand the potential of this industrial park.

Key Points to Remember

  • Dai An Expanded Industrial Park is located in the center of the Northern key economic region.
  • Its operational scale is increasingly expanded, attracting numerous domestic and foreign investors.
  • The industrial park has a long history of establishment and development, with many advantages regarding location, infrastructure, and human resources.
  • Major industries in the industrial park include processing, manufacturing, electronics, and high technology.
  • The investment environment in the industrial park is very favorable, with attractive incentive policies.

What is Dai An Expanded Industrial Park?

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park is a large and important industrial area in Hai Duong Province, Vietnam. It has a strategic geographical location, close to economic and transportation centers. This industrial park plays a key role in the industrial development of the region.

Geographical Location and Scale of the Industrial Park

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park has a vast scale, covering 416.21 hectares. It is located in Tu Minh Ward, Hai Duong City, and the communes of Cam Dong, Cam Doai, Lai Cach Town, and Cam Giang District, Hai Duong Province. The industrial park is surrounded by important transportation routes, facilitating convenient connections with other key economic regions.

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Vị Trí Địa Lý Hải Dương

History of Establishment and Development of the Industrial Park

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park has a long history of establishment and development. It started as a small industrial park and has been expanded and upgraded multiple times. Now, it is one of the largest and most modern industrial parks in Hai Duong Province. Dai An Expanded Industrial Park is one of the highlights in the industrial development process of Hai Duong Province.

Advantages of Dai An Expanded Industrial Park

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park in Hai Duong Province attracts many investors. Its proximity to seaports and international airports facilitates transportation, making it easy for businesses to ship goods.

Modern infrastructure is a significant advantage, with comprehensive systems for electricity, water, and environmental treatment. This helps businesses save costs and increase productivity.

Investment incentives and high-quality human resources are also advantages. Enterprises benefit from tax and land incentives. An abundant and skilled labor force helps reduce costs and enhance competitiveness. Thanks to these advantages, Dai An Expanded Industrial Park attracts many enterprises.

Modern Infrastructure at the Industrial Park

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park is built with modern infrastructure, fully meeting the needs of investors and businesses. It creates a competitive advantage that attracts large-scale industrial projects to Hai Duong Province.

Convenient Transportation System

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park has a modern transportation system, including roads, railways, and seaports. This facilitates fast transportation of goods, meeting the demands of both domestic and international markets.

Complete Supply of Electricity, Water, and Environmental Treatment

The infrastructure for electricity, water, and environmental treatment has been invested with high capacity, ensuring full and stable supply for factories. The modern waste treatment system creates a green and sustainable environment.

The combination of convenient transportation, stable electricity and water supply, and modern environmental treatment creates significant advantages for Dai An Expanded Industrial Park.

Overview of Dai An Expanded Industrial Park in Hai Duong Province

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park in Hai Duong Province is located in the North and is an attractive destination for investors. Established in 2005, it has developed robustly and is now one of the most dynamic industrial parks.

This industrial park has a favorable geographical location and modern infrastructure, attracting many enterprises, especially in processing, manufacturing, and high technology.

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park not only provides economic benefits to investors but also contributes to the socio-economic development of Hai Duong Province and the Northern region.

Building Modern Infrastructure

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park boasts a modern infrastructure system, including road and rail transportation, and modern electricity, water, and wastewater treatment systems. This creates a safe and efficient working environment for businesses.

Attracting a Diverse Range of Industries

This industrial park attracts not only processing and manufacturing enterprises but also high-tech, electronics, and information technology companies, creating a diverse and vibrant environment.

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park has become a highlight on Vietnam’s investment map, attracting numerous large projects from leading global corporations.

With its geographical location, infrastructure, and incentive policies, Dai An Expanded Industrial Park is an attractive choice for investors looking to develop in Vietnam.

Main Production Activities at the Industrial Park

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park in Hai Duong Province has attracted many enterprises that operate in the industrial production sector. This industrial park has modern infrastructure and a favorable investment environment.

Processing and Manufacturing Industry

The processing and manufacturing sector holds a significant share in this industrial park. Main products include:

  • Automotive components and spare parts
  • Electrical and electronic equipment
  • Textile and leather goods
  • Metal, plastic, and rubber products

Electronics and High Technology Industry

This industrial park also attracts electronics and high-tech enterprises working in fields such as:

  1. Production and assembly of electronic components.
  2. Research and development of information technology.
  3. Production of medical devices and precision instruments.

The production activities at Dai An Expanded Industrial Park help Hai Duong Province develop economically and increase the region’s standing among industrial investors.

Favorable Investment Environment at the Industrial Park

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park in Hai Duong Province is an ideal location for investors. It offers attractive incentive policies and high-quality human resources, ensuring that this area can effectively meet the production needs of businesses.

Attractive Investment Incentives

The Vietnamese government has introduced numerous incentives for Dai An Expanded Industrial Park to attract domestic and international investors. These incentives include:

  • Corporate income tax incentives.
  • Import tax incentives for machinery, equipment, and materials.
  • Support in terms of infrastructure and land use.
  • Additional support programs for training and labor recruitment.

Abundant and High-Quality Human Resources

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park has a significant advantage in terms of abundant and high-quality human resources. The labor force is skilled and highly qualified, meeting the needs of investing enterprises.

Companies receive support for training and developing their workforce, which helps enhance labor capacity and improve productivity.

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park is an ideal destination for investors due to its favorable investment environment and high-quality human resources.

Future Development Potential of the Industrial Park

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park in Hai Duong Province has a good geographical position, modern infrastructure, and attractive incentive policies, creating favorable conditions for strong future development.

This industrial park attracts many investors both domestically and internationally, who see it as a good place to invest, contributing to rapid local economic growth.

The strength of Dai An Expanded Industrial Park lies in its excellent transportation system, facilitating easy connections with economic centers and seaports. This makes logistics and competition advantageous for businesses located here.

Companies here also benefit from various incentives, including tax, land, and support services, creating a favorable investment environment.

Therefore, Dai An Expanded Industrial Park is expected to attract many investment projects, particularly in processing, manufacturing, electronics, and high technology, helping to promote the socio-economic development of Hai Duong Province.

Ongoing Projects at the Industrial Park

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park in Hai Duong Province is developing vigorously with many new projects being implemented. The park focuses on expanding its area, constructing production factories, and improving infrastructure.

Key Features of Dai An Expanded Industrial Park

The local government has allocated land for development, attracting both domestic and foreign investors, creating favorable conditions for new businesses.

The industrial park is also building many modern production factories, prioritizing industries such as processing, manufacturing, electronics, and high technology, which facilitates large investments.

Improving infrastructure, such as upgrading transportation, electricity, water supply, and environmental treatment, is also important, increasing the attractiveness of Dai An Expanded Industrial Park to investors.

Project Description Progress
Expanding the industrial park area Developing additional production areas to attract more investors In Progress
Building new production factories Focusing on processing, manufacturing, electronics, and high technology In Progress
Improving infrastructure Upgrading transportation, electricity, water, and environmental treatment systems In Progress

With these projects, Dai An Expanded Industrial Park is becoming an attractive destination, promoting the socio-economic development of Hai Duong Province.


Dai An Expanded Industrial Park in Hai Duong Province is an attractive investment location. Its favorable geographical location, modern infrastructure, and incentive policies are key strengths. This industrial park will attract many new projects, boosting the economy of Hai Duong Province.

The processing, manufacturing, electronics, and high technology industries are thriving in Dai An Expanded Industrial Park, creating stable job opportunities and good incomes for workers. Abundant human resources and attractive policies will draw many investors.

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park is developing strongly, becoming an attractive investment destination. Its outstanding advantages will help promote sustainable economic development in Hai Duong Province.

Other industrial zones


Where is Dai An Expanded Industrial Park located?

Dai An Expanded Industrial Park is located in Tu Minh Ward, Hai Duong City, and the communes of Cam Dong, Cam Doai, Lai Cach Town, and Cam Giang District, Hai Duong Province. This location is close to important economic and transportation centers.

What is the scale of Dai An Expanded Industrial Park?

This industrial park has a large area and has developed through many phases since its establishment.

What is the history of establishment and development of Dai An Expanded Industrial Park?

This industrial park has gone through several development stages and has become a large industrial park in Hai Duong.

What are the standout advantages of Dai An Expanded Industrial Park?

This industrial park has many advantages, including a favorable geographical location, modern infrastructure, incentive policies, and high-quality human resources, attracting many investors.

How modern is the infrastructure system in Dai An Expanded Industrial Park?

This industrial park features a modern transportation system, including roads, railways, and seaports, providing electricity, water, and environmental treatment for production factories.

What are the main production activities at Dai An Expanded Industrial Park?

This industrial park attracts many businesses operating in processing, manufacturing, electronics, and high technology sectors.

How is the investment environment at Dai An Expanded Industrial Park?

This industrial park creates favorable conditions for investment, offering attractive incentive policies and high-quality human resources to meet the production needs of businesses.

What is the future development potential of Dai An Expanded Industrial Park?

With its geographical location and modern infrastructure, combined with attractive incentive policies, this industrial park has significant development potential, attracting many investment projects to promote the economy of Hai Duong Province.

What ongoing projects are taking place at Dai An Expanded Industrial Park?

This industrial park is implementing many new projects, including expanding its area, constructing production factories, and improving infrastructure to attract more domestic and foreign investors.