Cam Lien Industrial Park in Quang Binh Province

Cam Lien Industrial Park is located at 117 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Dong Hoi City, Quang Binh Province. It is an important industrial park in Central Vietnam. Its strategic location, modern infrastructure, and attractive policies make this area appealing. Many domestic and international businesses are seeking investment opportunities here.

Key Highlights

  • Strategic location in Quang Binh Province
  • Modern infrastructure, convenient transportation system
  • Attractive investment incentives
  • Potential for industrial and tourism development
  • Important role in the economic development of Quang Binh Province

Geographic Location of Cam Lien Industrial Park

Cam Lien Industrial Park is situated at 117 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Dong Hoi City, Quang Binh Province, in the North Central region. It is designed in a strategic location. This area is close to important transportation routes, facilitating connectivity and development.

Strategic Location

Cam Lien Industrial Park is near National Highway 1A, an important road. It is also close to the North-South railway and Dong Hoi Airport. This makes the geographic location of Cam Lien I.P favorable for transportation and connection with economic centers.

With its strategic geographic location and an area of 450 hectares, Cam Lien I.P has the potential to become an attractive destination for investors.

Bản Đồ Quảng Bình


History of Formation and Development

Cam Lien I.P, a bright spot in Quang Binh Province, has an impressive development history. This industrial park was established in 2005. Since then, it has continuously developed, improving infrastructure and attracting many businesses.

From the early years, Cam Lien attracted many investors. They were drawn by the attractive policies, modern infrastructure, and dedicated labor force. Each year, this industrial park expands and enhances its infrastructure to meet business demands.

Currently, Cam Lien Industrial Park is an important industrial center. It significantly contributes to the socio-economic development of Quang Binh. With its potential and modern infrastructure, this industrial park will continue to attract investment in the future.

Cam Lien I.P is not only a vital economic driver for Quang Binh but also a testament to the province’s efforts in attracting investment and industrial development.

Modern Infrastructure

Cam Lien I.P is built with modern infrastructure. It maximally meets the needs of businesses. The transportation system is convenient, easily connecting to major economic centers.

Notably, the electricity supply is stable and abundant. This adequately meets the production needs of investors.

Convenient Transportation System

Cam Lien I.P is surrounded by a synchronized transportation system. This easily connects to main routes, such as National Highway 1A, the North-South railway, and Dong Hoi International Airport.

This facilitates the transportation of goods as well as the movement of workers.

Stable Electricity Supply

Another important factor is the stable and abundant electricity supply. This is provided from the national power grid. This is essential to ensure continuous and efficient production operations.

Modern infrastructure is a prerequisite for attracting investment and developing sustainable industry in Cam Lien I.P.

Industrial Development Potential

Cam Lien I.P is a bright spot in the industrial development potential of Quang Binh Province. Its strategic location and modern infrastructure make this area attractive. Many key industries have chosen it as an investment destination.

Priority Industries

The industries prioritized for development at Cam Lien Industrial Park include:

  • Food processing
  • Textiles
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Electronics

Abundant Labor Force

Cam Lien Industrial Park has the advantage of a plentiful and skilled labor force. This labor source comes from neighboring localities. This helps the industrial park to grow robustly, attracting many businesses.

Cam Lien I.P is identified as a focal point for developing industries such as food processing, textiles, mechanical engineering, and electronics, supported by a rich and high-quality labor force from surrounding areas.

Investment Incentives

Quang Binh Province is making efforts to implement various investment incentives. The goal is to attract businesses to Cam Lien I.P. These incentives include:

  • Tax incentives such as exemptions and reductions in corporate income tax and import tax on equipment and raw materials
  • Infrastructure support, including the development of transportation, electricity, and water systems
  • Other incentive packages such as training support for workers and waiving administrative procedures

These incentives help create favorable conditions for investors. They will choose Cam Lien I.P as an ideal destination. This facilitates the implementation of production and business projects.

The incentive policies of Quang Binh have truly attracted the interest of many domestic and foreign businesses. Local authorities are ready to assist investors, ensuring a safe and effective investment environment at Cam Lien I.P.

Introduction to Cam Lien Industrial Park in Quang Binh Province

Cam Lien Industrial Park is a highlight in the industrial development of Quang Binh. Its strategic location and modern infrastructure make this area appealing. It attracts both domestic and international investors.

This industrial park is located in Quang Binh Province, close to important transportation routes. Highways, railways, and seaports are all nearby. This facilitates industrial investment projects.

Cam Lien also benefits from investment incentives from local authorities. Businesses receive tax incentives, land support, and business assistance services.

The location, infrastructure, and policies make Cam Lien I.P attractive. It attracts many large industrial investment projects in Quang Binh. This is a driving force for industrial and socio-economic development.

Cam Lien I.P is not only a concentration of factories and enterprises but also a symbol of sustainable industrial development in Quang Binh.

Favorable Business Environment

Cam Lien I.P, located in Quang Binh Province, provides a good environment for businesses. Support from local authorities and a dynamic business community are important factors.

Support from Local Authorities

The Quang Binh government always supports businesses in Cam Lien I.P. They provide investment incentives and encouraging policies. This helps businesses develop production effectively.

Dynamic Business Community

The business community at Cam Lien I.P is dynamic and innovative. They exchange experiences, collaborate, and support each other in development.

Cam Lien I.P offers an ideal working environment, with enthusiastic support from local authorities and a vibrant business community.

Therefore, the business environment in Cam Lien I.P is very favorable. It creates conditions for businesses to develop sustainable and effective production.

Tourism Development Potential

Cam Lien Industrial Park is not only an industrial center. It also has great potential in tourism. This area is close to many famous scenic spots in Quang Binh, such as Phong Nha – Ke Bang Cave, Van Don Bay, and beautiful beaches.

Developing both industry and tourism together will help this area grow robustly. This brings not only economic benefits but also helps local tourism develop its potential.

The favorable geographic location and modern infrastructure make Cam Lien I.P attractive. This will boost tourism and contribute to the socio-economic development of Quang Binh.

Cam Lien I.P is not just an industrial center but also a potential tourist destination in Quang Binh.

Role in the Economic Development of Quang Binh Province

Cam Lien Industrial Park plays an important role in the economic development of Quang Binh. It features key industries such as food processing, textiles, and mechanical engineering. This creates job opportunities and attracts investment.

This industrial park is located in Quang Binh Province and enjoys many incentives. Businesses are exempt from taxes, and supported with infrastructure and land. This helps businesses grow and increases the provincial GDP.

  1. Creates many jobs for local workers.
  2. Attracts investment from domestic and foreign enterprises.
  3. Contributes increasingly to the economic growth of Quang Binh Province.

Cam Lien I.P increasingly asserts its key role in the economic development of Quang Binh Province. It is an important driving force promoting the economic growth of Quang Binh, with advantages in geographic location, modern infrastructure, and attractive incentive policies.


Cam Lien Industrial Park in Quang Binh Province is attracting many investors. Its geographic location, modern infrastructure, and incentive policies are strengths that help this industrial park develop robustly.

Industries such as electronics, mechanical engineering, and agricultural processing create job opportunities. The abundant labor force and favorable business environment make Cam Lien I.P a destination for businesses.

In the future, Cam Lien I.P will receive further investment and development. This will help Quang Binh develop its economy even stronger. This area will contribute significantly to the economic development of the whole country.

Other industrial zones


Where is Cam Lien Industrial Park located?
Cam Lien Industrial Park is located at 117 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Dong Hoi City, Quang Binh Province.

Does Cam Lien I.P have transportation advantages?
Cam Lien I.P is close to important transportation routes, such as National Highway 1A, the North-South railway, and Dong Hoi Airport. This facilitates easy connections to major economic centers.

When was Cam Lien I.P established?
Cam Lien I.P was established in 2005, aimed at promoting industrial development in Quang Binh Province.

How is the infrastructure of Cam Lien I.P?
Cam Lien I.P has modern infrastructure. The transportation system is convenient, and electricity supply is stable, meeting business needs.

What industries are prioritized at Cam Lien Industrial Park?

Cam Lien Industrial Park prioritizes developing industries such as food processing, textiles, mechanical engineering, and electronics.

What incentive policies does Quang Binh Province offer to attract investment in Cam Lien Industrial Park?
Quang Binh authorities implement various incentive policies aimed at attracting businesses to invest in Cam Lien. These incentives include tax benefits, infrastructure support, and other incentive packages.

Besides being an industrial park, what other potential does Cam Lien have?
Cam Lien is not only an industrial park but also has potential for tourism development. Its proximity to famous scenic spots like Phong Nha – Ke Bang, Van Don Bay, and beautiful beaches enhances this potential.

What is the role of Cam Lien I.P in the economic development of Quang Binh Province?
Cam Lien I.P is crucial for the economy of Quang Binh. It promotes economic development. With key industries, modern infrastructure, and attractive policies, this industrial park attracts many businesses. This creates jobs and contributes to economic growth.