Non-Industrial Cluster Bai Ba Dong Thanh in Phu Tho Province

Non-Industrial Cluster Bai Ba Dong Thanh is located in Phu Tho Province. This area produces and supplies handicrafts, processed agricultural products, and services. The region contributes significantly to the socio-economic development of the province.

Key Points:

  • The Non-Industrial Cluster, Phu Tho is a production and supply area for non-industrial products.
  • It is one of the key non-industrial clusters in Phu Tho Province.
  • It makes a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the region.
  • It provides handicrafts, processed agricultural products, and various services.
  • There is potential for development and investment attraction in Phu Tho.

Geographical Location of the Non-Industrial Cluster Bai Ba Dong Thanh

The Non-Industrial Cluster is situated in the administrative area of Lam Thao Town, Lam Thao District, Phu Tho Province. This strategic location is favorable for production and business development. Proximity to important transportation routes such as National Highway 32, National Highway 2, and the North-South railway enables easy connections to major economic centers.

Favorable Geographic Characteristics

The Bai Ba Dong Thanh area features relatively flat terrain. Its temperate climate and rich natural resources create favorable conditions for production and services. This is a highly potential environment for the non-industrial cluster in Phu Tho.

Convenient Transportation Connections

The transportation system is well-developed, with various transport modes such as road, rail, and waterways. This facilitates connections between the Non-Industrial Cluster and major economic centers, easing the transport of raw materials, products, and information exchange between production clusters and markets.

The geographical location and convenient transportation connections are important competitive advantages for the non-industrial cluster Bai Ba Dong Thanh.

Bản Đồ Tỉnh Phú Thọ


History of Formation and Development of the Non-Industrial Cluster

The Non-Industrial Cluster in Phu Tho Province has a notable history. In 1990, non-industrial production and service facilities began to concentrate here, marking the birth of the Bai Ba Dong Thanh production cluster.

Local government planning has supported the development of this cluster, turning it into a hotspot for non-industrial business in Phu Tho Province.

In recent years, the development process of the non-industrial cluster Phu Tho has made significant strides. The government has invested and provided support, helping the cluster expand and enhance its effectiveness. This has increased the momentum for socio-economic development in the locality.

The non-industrial cluster Bai Ba Dong Thanh has become a bright spot in the efforts to develop local industries in Phu Tho Province.

Today, this non-industrial cluster plays an important role in the province’s economy, creating stable jobs and income for thousands of local workers.

Main Types of Production and Services

The non-industrial cluster Bai Ba Dong Thanh in Phu Tho Province focuses on key non-industrial business areas. These sectors include agricultural processing, handicraft production, and various other consumer products.

Agricultural Processing Industry

The agricultural processing industry is a vital part of the main occupations in the Bai Ba Dong Thanh production cluster. Notable products from this industry include:

  • Tea
  • Sugarcane
  • Canned fruits

Consumer Goods Production

In addition to processing, the cluster also produces a diverse range of consumer products. These products include:

  1. Ceramics
  2. Textile products
  3. Local handicraft items

With its diversity in production sectors, the non-industrial cluster Bai Ba Dong Thanh is positively contributing to the socio-economic development of Phu Tho Province.

Industry Main Products
Agricultural Processing Tea, sugarcane, canned fruits
Consumer Goods Production Ceramics, textile products, handicrafts

The Non-Industrial Cluster is significantly contributing to the socio-economic development of Phu Tho due to its diverse non-industrial production sectors.

Contribution of the Non-Industrial Cluster to the Local Economy

The Non-Industrial Cluster is very important for Phu Tho Province. It helps in socio-economic development. Production and business activities here create jobs and increase income for the local people.

Statistics indicate that the Non-Industrial Cluster contributes approximately 20% of the total value of industrial and handicraft production in Phu Tho Province. This figure highlights the cluster’s important economic role.

Indicator Year 2020 Year 2021 Year 2022
Total value of industrial and handicraft production in Phu Tho Province (billion VND) 12,500 13,800 14,900
Value of production from the Non-Industrial Cluster (billion VND) 2,500 2,760 2,980
Contribution ratio of the non-industrial cluster (%) 20% 20% 20%

The Non-Industrial Cluster also helps Phu Tho Province attract investment. It generates budget revenues and promotes the development of local industries.

The non-industrial cluster Bai Ba Dong Thanh acts as a driving force for the strong and sustainable socio-economic development of Phu Tho Province.

Introduction to the Non-Industrial Cluster Bai Ba Dong Thanh in Phu Tho Province

The Non-Industrial Cluster is located in Phu Tho Province. It is home to many non-industrial production facilities. Since the 1990s, this cluster has developed strongly, with industries such as agricultural processing, handicraft production, and consumer goods.

This non-industrial cluster not only aids in local economic development but also creates jobs for many residents. It stands out in the overall picture of the non-industrial production clusters in Phu Tho. The Non-Industrial Cluster is crucial for the province’s economy.

Main Industry Contribution (%)
Agricultural Processing 35%
Handicraft Production 30%
Other Consumer Goods Production 25%

With its favorable location, good infrastructure, and abundant human resources, the non-industrial cluster Bai Ba Dong Thanh is set to develop strongly, helping Phu Tho’s economy to grow.

Development Potential of the Non-Industrial Cluster in the Future

The non-industrial cluster Bai Ba Dong Thanh in Phu Tho Province has a favorable geographical location. The transportation infrastructure is being improved, and abundant human resources create conditions for development.

Local authorities are implementing plans to expand the scale of this cluster. They are working hard to attract investments from both domestic and foreign sources. The goal is to enhance production capacity and diversify products and services.

Plans for Scale Expansion

In the future, the Phu Tho provincial government will implement practical measures. They will invest in infrastructure and upgrade transportation routes. The aim is to expand the production and service area and attract more businesses.

Attracting Investments and Resources

Local authorities are also actively seeking investments in the non-industrial production cluster. They have developed incentive packages and legal support. The goal is to attract domestic and foreign investors and businesses to engage in production, processing, and services.

With these efforts, the Non-Industrial Cluster will develop strongly, bringing benefits to the local economy.

Role of the Non-Industrial Cluster in Local Socio-Economic Development

The non-industrial cluster Bai Ba Dong Thanh is very important for Phu Tho Province. It creates job opportunities and raises the income of local residents. Production, processing, and business activities here contribute to economic development.

The products and services from the non-industrial cluster Bai Ba Dong Thanh help boost the province’s economic growth. This cluster also supports the development of traditional crafts, preserving and promoting local cultural values.

The role of the Non-Industrial Cluster in the socio-economic development of Phu Tho is reflected in:

  • Creating jobs and enhancing income for local residents.
  • Contributing to the economic growth of Phu Tho Province.
  • Developing traditional crafts and preserving local cultural values.
Indicator Year 2020 Year 2021 Year 2022
Revenue (billion VND) 2,500 2,800 3,200
Number of Workers (people) 5,000 5,500 6,000
Contribution to Provincial GRDP (%) 8% 9% 10%

Challenges and Solutions for Sustainable Development of the Non-Industrial Cluster

The Non-Industrial Cluster, Phu Tho Province, has achieved many successes. However, it still faces numerous challenges in its development.

One major challenge is that the technical infrastructure and transportation do not meet demand. Despite investments, connectivity between businesses is still ineffective. The quality of the labor force is also lacking, affecting productivity.

To address these issues, comprehensive solutions are needed:

  1. Invest in technical infrastructure and transportation to better connect businesses.
  2. Improve labor quality through training and skill development.
  3. Promote cooperation among businesses to create value-added chains.

With the efforts of the government, businesses, and the people, the Non-Industrial Cluster will develop sustainably, contributing to the socio-economic development of Phu Tho.


The non-industrial cluster Bai Ba Dong Thanh in Phu Tho Province is developing strongly. Its favorable location and good infrastructure have created conditions for growth. The government is also providing active support, giving the cluster promising prospects.

Despite facing many challenges, the non-industrial cluster Bai Ba Dong Thanh will continue to thrive. It contributes to the sustainable development of the socio-economic landscape in Phu Tho. The diverse production and service sectors create jobs and increase income for the residents.

In the future, the cluster will be invested in and expanded. Many new resources and projects will be attracted, enhancing production capacity and promoting sustainable development in Phu Tho Province.

Other industrial zones


What are the notable features of the Non-Industrial Cluster?
The Non-Industrial Cluster is located in the center of Phu Tho Province. Its geographical location in the administrative area of Lam Thao Town, Lam Thao District, Phu Tho Province, is advantageous, and the transportation system is well-developed. This area hosts many non-industrial production and business facilities.

How did the Non-Industrial Cluster form and develop?
Since the 1990s, the Non-Industrial Cluster has begun to take shape. Non-industrial production and service facilities concentrated here. Over time, the cluster has been planned and developed, becoming a hotspot for Phu Tho Province.

What are the main industries in the Non-Industrial Cluster?
The Non-Industrial Cluster focuses on agricultural processing and handicrafts. The processing of tea, sugarcane, and canned fruits holds a large share. It also produces consumer goods such as ceramics, textiles, and local handicrafts.

How does the Non-Industrial Cluster contribute to the socio-economic development of Phu Tho Province?
The Non-Industrial Cluster contributes to the socio-economic development of Phu Tho Province. Its production and business activities generate numerous jobs and enhance income. The products and services from the cluster also add to the industrial and handicraft production value of the province.

What is the potential and development direction for the Non-Industrial Cluster?
The non-industrial cluster Bai Ba Dong Thanh has a favorable geographical location and improved infrastructure. With an abundant labor supply, its development potential is high. Local authorities plan to expand and attract investments to enhance production capacity and diversify products.